
The Writing Studio workshops consist of academic and non-academic themes. We run recurring workshops that adapt a hands-on, learning-by-using approach to writing and its multimodal applications. Our workshops feature theoretical background, writing exercises, prompts, and peer review. We also facilitate extensive discussions on the workshop topics.

Verses: How to Write a Statement of Purpose

Instructors: Prof. Leslee Lazar, Rashmi Shaju

The Statement of Purpose (SoP) is a critical component of any application for academic programs, scholarships, grants, and fellowships. A well-crafted SoP not only showcases an applicant’s achievements but also displays their aspirations, motivations, and fit for the chosen opportunity. Our workshop aims to acquaint participants with the skills needed to create impactful SoPs.

Date: 24 – 25 August (Thursday, Friday)
Time: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Venue: AB 1/101

Verses: A Workshop on Poetry

Instructor: Nivid Desai

This workshop offers a hands-on experience of writing poetic verses through the fundamentals of poetry, such as imagery, metaphor, similes, rhythm, and rhyme. It equips the participants to develop their own poetic perspective of the world to explore topics and emotions of their choice.

Once Upon a Time: A Workshop on Writing Short Stories

Instructor: Nivid Desai

This workshop equips the participants with the foundational skills of storytelling, particularly in the form of short stories. In theory, this workshop introduces the foundations of storytelling, such as plot, conflict, narrative structure, and characterization. In practice, it teaches the craft of writing short stories through prompt-based exercises.

Brush Up Your Grammar: A Workshop Series

Instructor: Dr Monal Desai

Writing Studio organised a workshop series to meet students’ basic grammar needs. We have observed that students make mistakes in the use of grammar in their academic writing. The workshop series is targeted to overcome this problem and remove learners’ dependency on grammar checking software. 

The workshop is divided into a series of 3 sessions, which covers the following modules:

1. Punctuation
2. Tenses
3. Subject-verb agreement


Mystery Writing Workshop

Instructor: Shyama Khatri

The aim of this workshop is to bring the students to interact with the outdoors while constructing a mystery plot. The participants discuss the genre, while the instructor steers the session with inputs about conventions in mystery writing. For a part of the workshop, participants explored the campus, picked a location and created a mystery plot of their own in groups.

What’s Your Story?

Instructor: Nivid Desai

“What’s Your Story?” is a series of three workshops. This workshop series offers practical sessions on three forms of life writing: blogs, personal essays and biographies. Participants get to hone their storytelling skills through the lens of their own stories and those of others. They receive hands-on training in both form and content through curated lectures on technique and a myriad of prompt-led writing exercises.

Foodies’ Workshop for Communicative English

Instructor: Dr Monal Desai

This two-day workshop aims to improve communicative English by focusing on food and cooking. It allows the participants to expand their knowledge in vocabulary and grammar useful for sensory descriptions and recipes.